Female Agent Review
In Few Words
If we are asked to name our most favorite porn networks of all time, one of the top porn networks on our list has got to be Fake Hub. The reason is because we just like the quality and niche that they serve. One of our most favorite sites within the said porn network is Fake Taxi. We just think that their cab drivers are freaking geniuses, being able to trick their lady passengers into fucking them, every single time. We have found another porn site within the Fake Hub porn network though that might contend with Fake Taxi being our most favorite porn site within the network. This porn
This porn site is called Female Agent. It operates on the premise that there is a female agent offering an unbelievably great modeling package to both unsuspecting men and women. She’ll invite them to her office next and make them do really perverted stuff – tricking them into trusting her because she’s a certified agent, it’s just the way things are in the “modeling industry”, and finally they should trust her because “she’s a girl” – this line is taken from the website itself. It is sheer genius as usual, just like the Fake Taxi porn site. We also like the fact that we get to actually see the female agent. On Fake Taxi, we only get a glimpse of the fake cab driver every once in a while. However, his voice is already a familiar one along with his distinct style of picking up and hooking up with chicks.
Are you fond of these kinds of porn as well? Then you are surely going to enjoy Female Agent and the entire Fake Hub porn network. Aside from the Fake Taxi and Female Agent, there are still other quality porn sites that you might be interested in looking at and you may get full access to them as well if you are going to sign up for membership. These sites are Fake Cop, Fake Hospital, and Fake Agent (another agent-style scene, but, this time, the agents are mostly male and the models-to-be are mostly female), just to name a few. If you are already convinced that this porn network is worth signing up for, then let us give you the membership details. First of all, there are three different plans to choose from: a one-month, a three-month, and a six-month plan. There is also a three-day trial membership option for those who want to explore the porn sites a little bit more.
Site Design
Because this porn site is part of the Fake hub porn network, we kind of expected that it will don the usual colors of the brand which are black and yellow, but instead we were surprised that it had its own look. The background of the porn site is still a plain black, but its design elements including the logo are all in pink. The reason, we think, is because of the feminine theme. Even so, the porn site Female Agent still follows the simple aesthetic that we usually see from all the other porn sites within the network. One common ground is the simple welcome banner. In this site, it is only the logo of the site and a “fake ad” graphic. Under the banner, you will see two links: the members page and the sign-up page.
The video previews are then presented below that. These previews contain different-sized thumbnails that show different scenes from the video. Aside from the thumbnails, you’ll also see the title, a short description about the video, and finally a link that will allow you to stream or download the movie. And that’s it. After the presentation of the previews, at the very bottom of the site, is the link to the other porn sites within the network.
Videos & Chicks
Staying true to the theme of the porn network, Female Agent doesn’t focus on featuring just one type of woman or nationality. Instead, they offer a variety of different women which is as many as their videos. You will seldom see a repeat on their featured models, aside from those who play the part of the female agents of course. After all, we would not be able to predict the next lady or guy who will walk into the agent’s office for a casting. This is also another thing that we enjoyed about this porn site – it is a well-balanced site that puts a spotlight on both men and women. On other fake agent sites (either found within this network or on others outside Fake Hub), the agents are men and they trick women into joining the industry.
But on this site, though, the agents are women inviting anyone who’ll be willing to show up for this fake casting meeting. This means we would see a lot of girl on girl action, but we will also see some hardcore guy and girl fucking. One of our favorite videos, however, does not involve a model-to-be. It involves a really hot interior designer. The agent called for an interior designer to visit their office so they could get new items ordered, but when the designer showed up, she was really a work of art. This is the reason why the naughty agent jumped at the opportunity of getting down and dirty with the designer. In the end, she received great discounts – a total win-win!
Long Story Short
In the end, we just cannot reiterate more how much we love all of the porn sites within the Fake Hub porn network, and our love for the site even increased as we toured the Female Agent porn site as well. After all, a one hundred percent “genuinely unique amateur casting content” as how this porn site puts it, will always be welcome to our porn list anytime. We hope that you will enjoy this porn site as much as we did. Have fun!
… or Read More on Female Agent!
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