VideosZ Review
VideosZ is one of the biggest porn sources on the internet at the moment when we are talking about full-length premium porn. They are not offering exclusive content, so there’s a chance you will find many of their movies on other networks and sites, but after all, that’s not what matters. What matters is the fact that you will get tons of porn for the price of a regular paysite.
More than that, you will get porn from various studios and production companies, so you will have style diversity and many niches from which you can choose. Besides an excellent porn collection, the site also offers a clean and easy to navigate member area, highly attractive prices, multiple payment options and 24/7 customer support services. You can learn everything about the VideosZ offer from the following paragraphs of our review, so keep on reading and I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for in their offer.
Even if it has a more content that a porn network, all the porn of VideosZ is on one site. That’s pretty good because it offers a more organized browsing experience. The browsing of the VideosZ content will give you multiple browsing tools to help you reach the kind of porn you like. If you want only to display results from a certain kink, a fetish of a category, your best chance is to use the Genre page. Also, the site disposes of a tagging system, sorting options and a search bar for the cases when you know what you are searching. The VideosZ website is appealingly designed, with a boxed flat layout for a better mobile navigation and shortcuts for the main tools.
The online streaming is possible with the Flash Player built directly on the site. This player has streaming quality options, buttons for adding the video to a playlist or to your Watch Later list and many other functions designed to improve the user experience.
Collection and Porn Stars
It’s really easy to get around the collection of VideosZ, even if it features movies from 64 porn categories. The thing about this collection is that it only offers videos. No photo galleries are to be found inside the VideosZ membership area. That would be a bummer if it weren’t for some videos you will get once you become a member of this site. Simply put, the collection of VideoZ features 96,869 scenes, extracted from almost 17,000 DVDs. For this collection to be so huge, more than 13,000 porn stars had to get naked in front of the camera. You can check them all out in the site’s model directory, where you can sort them based on their experience, popularity or name.
Top 3 porn stars of VideoZ at the moment of writing this review are: Jenna Haze, Tori Black, and Sasha Grey. Most of the top self-porn stars have over 50 scenes added to the site. But, the champions of them all are Trina Michaels and Marie Madison, each with 306 scenes, followed by Sandra Romain with 283 scenes.
The best thing about this site is not the great quality of the videos and not even the huge size of the collection. The best features of VideoZ is its price, which will baffle you. Usually, a site with about a thousand scenes will go around for $29.95 a month. You can get 100 times more scenes with the VideoZ membership for the same price.
In fact, you can do even better. If you choose the yearly membership, which you should choose, the monthly access will drop to $10 a month, but you’ll have to pay all 12 months in advance. However, everything about VideoZ is amazing, and you should consider joining this site. Enjoy!