Shemale Pornstar Review
In Few Words
If you are passionate about shemale porn than Shemale Pornstar is the perfect website for you. The site has lots of photos and videos with all kinds of shemales. You can start with an Asian hottie or find a busty black shemale having sex in these HD videos or being photographed in different settings.
Site Design
One high quality changing photo appears on the first page of Shemale Pornstar and you simply cannot hate it. The pictures changing on the first part of the homepage are awesome and because of the yellowish simple background there is nothing else I can look at. It makes me want to scroll further where I can see some popular videos, information about the website and a list of the best shemale pornstars that they offer. On Shemale Pornstar there is a clear separation of videos by pornstar but nothing else. I couldn`t see a search bar or a way to see videos by latest updated. Knowing the pornstar help a lot though, as if you like one of the shemales in particular helps you find all videos and pictures you want with her.
One of the best things about Shemale Pornstar is that it loads quickly and you can easily realize what clickable content you should go to as the information is limited to stuff you might be interested in. There is a description of the website that appears on every page but it didn`t feel like it overloaded the page.
Videos & Chicks
Shemale Pornstar is one of the oldest websites with high quality transsexual porn in the world. However, even though the Shemale Pornstar is 15 years old, the site was relaunched with modern videos and photos. I love the fact that there are different types of shemales on Shemale Pornstar and all of them are clearly professional and know what they are doing. The first page`s most popular videos had one Asian shemale, one black shemale and one white one. I saw blondes, brunettes and redheads. It felt like the shemale paradise. There are over 500 pornstars on Shemale Pornstar and you can pick one of them to see more info, videos and pictures.
The videos are in high definition and the photos are clearly well done.
The movies on Shemale Pornstar are wmv or mp4 downloadable and they may also be streamed. I like the fact that there are multiple ways to pay for the subscription from using your credit card to paying by post or even bitcoin. The subscription options are affordable and varied. Therefore you can become a member for a month, 90 days, 6 months or for a whole year, depending on your needs and wants. The subscription process is simple and you get non-stop customer support if you need it. Before buying the membership try exiting the page first as you might be offered a 25% discount.
If you get to be a member you have access to over 800 awesome videos and more than 125.000 photos. All of them are different, each one with a different unique setting or shemale, doing professional porn. The photos are so good that you can almost feel like the girls is right there and makes you want to enjoy watching her some more. Perfect asses and great looking natural breasts from all over the world are Shemale Pornstar`s specialty.
Long Story Short
Shemale Pornstar is the best website for generic shemale high quality action in my opinion. They have tons of videos and photos and all of them show professional acting and great editing. This is not your average fetish website. At Shemale Pornstar they are doing an excellent job in selecting the best content and sharing it with the world at affordable fees.