Virtual Real Gay Review
In Few Words
People watch a lot of media on TV or various other gadgets for purposes of entertainment. Some people watch soccer, others watch American football or any other games yet other people watch comedy and other movies. One thing is dominant about all these media that people watch on electronic gadgets for purposes of entertainment the viewer can only watch what is being done or was done by some other people. The viewer has no part to play in the media, there is absolutely no way the viewer will feel part of the action in the media. This is exactly where virtualrealgay steps in. This network takes porn to a totally different level, a level where the entire viewer is shaken, the viewer is actually at the site where the scene is being shot and taking part in the action although virtual. In the mind of the viewer, this is actually real he can actually feel the action in the air around him. All the viewer needs to do is acquire VR (virtual reality) headsets and log on to virtualrealgay. Lovers of gay porn who are also lovers of virtual reality are especially lucky and favored by existence of this site. When people think of virtual reality, they mainly think of video games fast before any other thing. However, virtual reality can also be an exciting feature of porn. Navigating through this site is very easy. A menu bar on top helps one wander throughout the website very easily. The user interface is very friendly and extremely easy to use. The viewer has an option of using sex toys so as to enhance his or her VR experience. Synchronizing Max (a stroker) and Nora (a vibrator) with the video one is watching makes the experience more exciting. The toys can be placed in the viewer’s genital area and enabled with a Bluetooth wireless dongle. Once enables, the toy synchronizes with the video being watched. The site is full of previews and other useful information for the viewer’s own convenience.
Site Design
This virtual reality network features a vast number of highly active sites. These sites include:
* Czech Gay Casting
* Big Daddy
* Game for Gay
* B Boyz
* My BF Gay
* Sex in Suits
* Fetish Force
* Czech Gay Solarium
* Club Bang Boys
* Gay Room
Most of the videos offered on this site do not have background music. This ensures nothing disrupts the user and he gets into and participates in the scene. Pictures are not the media of emphasis of this network. Videos are more emphasized since they involve action which can be synchronized with sex toys and VR headsets to allow user enjoy the ultimate fun of VR porn. The few pictures which feature on this network were taken by pro to semi-pro level photographers. The pics have little airbrushing and lighting issues. This combined with their bright colors give the pics very high resolutions. Videos can be steamed directly from this network using the Large Flash player. This player is highly advanced and allows for immediate jumping forward to scenes. The player has a five to ten second buffer and also has smooth playback; these are to allow for the viewer’s own convenience while streaming directly from the network. The streaming videos are of great quality. Free live camera shows are offered on this network. It is better to take part into something than to view it live as it is being performed. Virtualrealgay allows you to take part into the scene as it is being acted. That sounds more superior to live cam shows! The site mainly includes gay porn. Numerous media featuring scenes of hot and hunk guys giving each other blowjobs, ass-fucking, ass-fingering and licking are offered on this site. The scenes may contain hardcore anal sex. The network is updated weekly. Content can be uploaded by the various member sites at any time. The sites in this network are highly active thus the user is always getting entertained with new and dope stuff.
Videos & Guys
For the videos being offered on this site to accommodate a one hundred and eighty degree and full three dimension encounter, the viewer must be ready to sacrifice comprehensive full HD format. There are various video resolutions of MP4 format which can be viewed one thousand nine hundred and twenty by one thousand and eighty can be viewed at a bit rate of eight thousand two hundred kilobytes per second, two thousand one hundred and sixty by two thousand one hundred and sixty at a bit rate of fifteen thousand one hundred while videos with dimensions of three thousand two hundred by one thousand six hundred can be viewed at a bit rate of thirty thousand one hundred kilobytes per second. Currently, most videos on virtualrealgay are one hundred and eighty degree movies while others are of one twenty degree. Stars featured on this network are majorly handsome American hunks. Most of this handsome men have athletic body forms with prominent masculine features and beautiful tattoos all over their bodies. The stars are majorly United States of America based male models.
Long Story Short
Virtualrealgay is an extremely contemporary gay porn website regardless of the angle from which you view it. People who understand and love 3D porn will love and enjoy what the guys in the scenes are up to. Having the toys takes the experience to yet another level a level which will make you feel a bigger star than the men in the scenes. It is not surprising that the experience will be orgasm stimulating for some male viewers. It is your turn to experience this get yourself the necessary and recommended sex toys with VR headsets and get in there!